OMG, I have to teach ICD2O, I could really use a completed unit plan

OMG, I have to teach ICD2O, I could really use a completed unit plan

Robert CeccatoRoom K3280

In this session, I want to help you figure out how to structure your ICD20 course, (units, assessment, lesson's, resources, final project, etc..) by sharing with you what I did, and how I set up my ICD2O course.  This will start out as a presentation, with me showing you my units, lesson's, assessments, etc..  However, I hope that after we cover my "vision" the rest of the session will be fluid and dynamic, so you can get the most help and understanding of why I set up my ICD2O course the way I did, and how you could do it for yourself.

Sat 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Pedagogical Topics