2025 CT&C Conference Update #4
Good day everyone, on behalf of the ACSE Conference Planning Committee, we would like to inform you that the tentative date for the ACSE Conference will be Saturday February 22nd, 2025. Once again this is tentative, and the event will be held in the GTA.
We hope now that we have a tentative date that people can look forward too, we can get more proposals for the conference. We would really like to see some Computer Science related proposals to help round out what we have so far, however, if you are passionate about what you are currently doing, or have some really great ideas or pedagogy, then please click on the link below, and we will get back to you.
Since the Call for Proposals for the February ACSE Conference had closed, the planning committee have now opened it again and extended it to Friday December 6th now that we have a tentative date.
This year, we have a track dedicated to teaching TAS1/2O as well as other computer studies and engineering-related topics.
Here is the link to the Call for Proposals form: https://forms.gle/aHFdnQQdPKP2Mbpa9 – please share with anyone you think would be interested in sharing their practice!
The Conference Planning Committee